Quick Ways To Cure Dark Circles While Traveling

This is something we have all experienced. If I could only get a penny for every time I studied at night, worked late, couldn’t, sleep until 4 am, I would be a rich man right now. I am 100% sure that you have been there just like I was. Eventually, after all of those sleepless nights, which was painful by the way, I developed a habit. My organism’s internal clock has broken and changed my night time for my day time. So now, I can’t sleep before 4 am.

One of many side-effects of that despicable habit is bags under eyes. No matter what you do to hide them, they are telling everyone who sees you a story about how tired you are. It’s written below your eyes with a dark, long-lasting crayon.

That’s what makes a travelers life a little bit difficult. Not many people can sleep on the train, plane or car. Some people can’t even sleep in a bed that isn’t their own. They need some time to get used to that, and while they are doing that, guess what – Dark circles appear.

So what can you do?

You can go on a hunt for the best eye cream. But what cream should you get?

To answer this question let’s get to the root of the problem and learn more about it. That will give us possible solutions than just creams.  

What are dark circles under our eyes?

Besides from your body’s way of telling people how tired you are, let’s check what those dark bags under your eyes mean. Every change that happens to our body should be checked.

1) Dark Circles Below Your Eyes = Allergies

According to this research, your dark circle’s problem could have appeared because of allergies. You see, the skin that’s below our eyes is pretty thin. That makes blood vessels that are located there that much easier to see. So now, if you get an allergic reaction, that’s the part that can warn you due to its low-fat percentage.

That’s why you should watch out and wash your hands before rubbing your eyes. That’s the easiest way for bacteria to reach that part.

2) Dark Circles Below Your Eyes = Fatigue

Your body is desperately trying to tell you, or should I say, BEG you for some rest. Our bodies use sleep to regenerate. Sleep is really important for our overall health. To ensure that your body is having the best kind of sleep you should be in bed before 12 o’clock.  

That’s the most effective time for rest. Also, make sure you are getting minimum 6 hours of sleep. That’s a bare minimum, but it will do.

3) Dark Circles Below Your Eyes = Congested Nose

When you get sick, and your nose gets congested, you may get those dark bags under your eyes. Why?

Well, the veins that are draining from your eyes could get darker and a lot wider because they are connected to the nose.

How Can You Get Rid Of This?

 The best question is – How can you prevent this?

That’s the game changer here. If you do what you can to prevent dark circles from appearing in the first place not only will you be healthier, but your skin will look a lot better.

Here is something that you can do:

  • Drink water – It isn’t a secret that water helps your organism overcome many things. It is essential! Drinking water will improve your oily skin, nails, and muscles. To find out how much water you should be drinking per day, just divide your weight in half, and you will get the number of ounces per day.
  • Eat veggies – Eating green is always good! It will provide your body with enough minerals and vitamins that are extremely important for your overall health, not to mention skin quality.
  • Get enough sleep – Just like I mentioned before, sleep is a MUST! Without good sleep for a long period, many things that are worse than dark circles could happen.
  • Use creams – Using creams is something you can do both as prevention and as treatment. The type of creams you should be using are anti-aging creams.
  • Apply Tea Bags – Another possible solution would be to apply tea bags directly to that area. Tea that has high caffeine levels is excellent for this type of problem. However, don’t apply warm tea bags. You should cool them down a bit in your freezer and then apply to the affected area.

As a last resort option, which I wouldn’t recommend, you can try plastic surgery. That is your last option! My advice would be to try whatever it takes and just avoid surgery.

Develop good habits, start exercising frequently and implement all of the things that I have listed here into your way of life. Some people will notice a change in a couple of days, others will notice benefits in months, and for some, it would take even longer, but what’s important is that you don’t give up.

Another advice I could give you is to try Vibrant C products. On the “eye creams” section you will find the best that they have to offer. This may be the answer to your calls for help. Besides from that, there are other good and natural products they offer.

Why You Need an Eye Cream – Truth Revealed [Watch This Video Now]

Source- Consumer Health Digest

Good things take time so be persistent! This is the natural way of dealing with dark circles under your eyes which are so important. When you are doing things that are natural your body will be thankful and will repay you!

With the information I have provided you with you can certainly avoid the risk of surgery and solve this problem in a natural way.

That would be it for this article. You have all that you need to know, and I guarantee you that the problem will be solved if you are persistent!

About the Author

Kathy Mitchell is a writer and avid researcher on the subject of Beauty, nutrition, and general wellness. She likes to go out with her friends, travel, swim and practice yoga. In her free time, you can find Kathy curled up reading her favorite novel, or writing in her journal.

Follow her on Google+Facebook and Twitter.

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Quick Ways To Cure Dark Circles While Traveling


    1. I am so guilty of not drinking enough water and I can see a noticeable difference when I drink 2 l per day. My eyes will become so light and healthy and the dark circles will be gone.

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    1. Being a blogger requires to work more on computer and facing those lights of screen which really had dark circles. Your tips are helpful about how to avoid dark circles. Taking more water and eating green veggies is what I would concentrate now onward.

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