3 Reasons Oversleeping May Harm Your lifestyle

Have you ever felt like a train-wreck after sleeping too many hours? Oversleeping is a guilty pleasure with some unintended and harmful consequences. Simply put, too much sleep may harm your lifestyle. That said, it is also important to remember that oversleeping is NEVER as harmful as under sleeping.

Oversleeping messes with our biological clocks (circadian rhythms) which may result in behavior changes, physical pain, and changes to our general health. Throwing off your internal clock by sleeping longer than needed will make you feel lethargic, fatigued and drowsy! How’s that for a counter effective habit?

Oversleeping May Cause Headaches

If you are prone to headaches, sleeping longer hours may cause head pain. Oversleeping may affect certain neurotransmitters, including the brain’s serotonin. For some people prone to headaches, this may be a big deal; and resting on neck muscles while lying in bed may make the headache worst.

3 Reasons Oversleeping May Harm Your lifestyle

Oversleeping May Increase The Risk of Diabetes

A study conducted in the US of nearly 10,000 people found a correlation between oversleeping and diabetes (not to mention that the more hours your sleep, the less active you are during the day). The research found that individuals who sleep more than 9 hours a day had a 50% higher risk of developing diabetes. While the research did not draw any affirmative conclusions – we do know that individuals with abnormal blood sugar levels and/or diabetes will experience excessive drowsiness and fatigue throughout their day – which may lead to oversleeping.

3 Reasons Oversleeping May Harm Your lifestyle

Oversleeping May Increase The Risk of Obesity

It’s a simple fact – if you accustom your body to oversleeping 10 hours a day, you will burn less calories. Individuals who sleep over 9 hours each day are 20% more likely to become obese across a 6 year period. Interestingly enough, this statistic holds true even if the person exercises on a regular basis.

3 Reasons Oversleeping May Harm Your lifestyle

4 Easy-To-Follow Tips To Avoid Oversleeping

  • University of Georgia researchers found that individuals who exercise on a regular basis could increase energy by 20% while decreasing fatigue by as much as 65%.
  • Have something exciting to get up for. It is much easier to get out of bed when you know something exciting awaits; such as trying a new teeth whitening recipe, yoga, or tasting a new flavor coffee/tea.
  • Adjust your sleep habits so that you fall asleep and awaken around the same time during most day.
  • Place your alarm clock further away from the bed. You will actually have to “get up” to turn it off.

Are you sleeping too much? Remember that oversleeping can have negative side effects. In order to stay sound, it is critical that we maintain a proper level of sleep; around 8 hours for active adults.

3 Reasons Oversleeping May Harm Your lifestyle

About the Author


Carlos Alvarez is a holistic lifestyle blogger and a dedicated gym goer. Carlos enjoys topics ranging from holistic lifestyle to healthy regimens. Carlos counts calories and exercises on a regular basis.


    1. I certainly didn’t realize there were dangers to too much sleep. Being a mom to a toddler, I don’t have the problem of too much sleep, though.

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    1. I knew abou the obesity thing ! Honestly I wished I had an oversleeping problem cause right now I don’t sleep at all ! My sleeping schedule I messed up :/

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    1. I know when I havent slept enough or when I have overslept because of the headaches I get! Of course they are much worse if I oversleep! Definitely a great post!

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    1. Hi Ana,

      There are many times I feel like oversleeping and this is why I always make sure that my mornings are far away from routine. Meditation, yoga, walking outside, listening to new music can be some of the activities that motivate me to wake up on time. I believe that when we find our passion, it is when we won’t want to sleep more than 10 hours only because we have something really exciting to do.

      There were so many things I didn’t know about oversleeping such as risk of obesity and diabetes. Thank you so much for this fantastic post! Have a beautiful day. 🙂


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